Sunday 24 October 2010

Neuroanatomy of Pruritus of Cutaneous Origin

Neuroanatomy of Pruritus of Cutaneous Origin:
  • Pruritogen =>
  • Free Nerve Endings =>
  • Unmyelinated C-nerve fibres =>
  • Dorsal horn of spinal cord =>
  • Contralateral spinothalamic tract =>
  • Posterolateral ventral thalamic nucleus =>
  • Somatosensory cortex (post-central cingulate gyrus)
Image: from Medicalchemy
Tags: Spinothalamic tract - Dorsal horn of spinal cord - Free Nerve Endings - Posterolateral ventral thalamic nucleus - Pruritus - Post-central cingulate gyrus - Unmyelinated C-nerve fibres
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Structures Passing Through Foramen Magnum (Mnemonic)

Structures Passing Through Foramen Magnum:
  • Accessory nerves (spinal roots)
  • Meningeal lymphatics
  • Spinal cord
  • Spinal meninges
  • Sympathetic plexus of vertebral ateries
  • Vertebral arteries
  • Vertebral artery spinal branches
Mnemonic - 'Spinal Meninges Make A Special Vertical Sheath':
  • Spinal - Spinal Cord
  • Meninges - Spinal Meninges
  • Make - Meningeal lymphatics
  • A - Accessory nerves (spinal roots)
  • Special - Sympathetic plexus on vertebral arteries
  • Vertical - Vertebral arteries
  • Sheath - Spinal branches of vertebral arteries
Image: from Shannan Muskopf (cc)